We welcome pitches, completed content contributions and original artwork. Please follow these guidelines for best results.
What We Talk about When We Talk about Solutions
Primarily we are interested in hearing your brilliant solution(s). We will accept an idea as it relates to a plan, scheme or method to solve a problem.
Solutions can range from practical to seemingly impossible. They can be inventions, or they can improve upon a known product, service, law, practice, etc. They can be bold, whimsical, demanding, provocative or visionary.
In the context of our editorial considerations, we define these terms in line with the Oxford English Dictionary, as such:
Solution. The act of solving a problem.
Idea. A conception of something to be done or achieved; an intention, a plan of action.
A “how to” may serve as a function for explaining a solution or idea, however, we are not considering stand-alone how-to type material. If you are unsure, just send us a quick summary and we’ll help decide if your content meets our concept.
All pitches or full submissions should include the following:
– your name and at least one form of contact information for us to respond
– any annotations or definitions that will help us better understand the subject or content
– for fully-crafted submissions, a few summary lines in the body of your email to help us quickly grasp your intent
You should know your topic through direct experience, work or play. Beyond that, we seek a diversity of experiences and outlooks, so please don’t be shy to tell us your ideas and solutions.
We accept original solutions on any subject matter and for any creature: plant, animal, human.
Submissions can be any medium (text, podcast, video, illustration, comic, schematics, cartoon, architectural drawing, etc).

We seek content on any topic including Agriculture (an under represented category, as yet), in addition to existing content areas:
We strive to be non-partisan, free of jargon, and transparent in knowledge gaps — tell us if you are unsure and we’ll seek to remedy it or note the knowledge gap in the content.
We do not require exclusive publishing rights, however, you are solely responsible for any agreements formed with other publications.
Your work must be wholly your own; no part of it should infringe upon or violate the copyrights, trademarks or other intellectual property rights of any person. Again, you are responsible for respecting our laws and agreements made with others.
Pitching an Idea or Solution
To pitch a topic, please submit a brief summary below or by email to the Mighty Pluck, such as a written paragraph, visual render, or short audio clip. Include a succinct explanation (50 words) of your solution or idea. Tell us what your experience with this subject is, and any relevant examples.
Submitting a Fully-Formed Contribution
The bulk of your contribution should focus on the solution; 20-30% can be used to lay out the problem or show an existing example. If the problem requires more space to explain, we recommend linking to source material that lays out the original problem for those wishing to learn more.
Please proofread, spellcheck, factcheck, and include any links for factchecking that will help us in the review process.
If you are struggling to frame your solution, communicate within your chosen medium, or get started at all, consider sending us a simple pitch (see directly above “Pitching an Idea or Solution”). Perhaps we can help.
Due to the volume of messages and contributions that we receive, priority goes to those that are well-crafted, unique and complete. We appreciate your help in respecting our time by presenting your work in the best possible light. Thank you.